
They will help you sleep and improve your sex life.

It will help you sleep better and enhance your sex life.

How can it be, because of its high melatonin content, and what is it, it is a very important hormone in sleep, which is responsible for regulating it.

And sexual satisfaction, they are not only good for sleeping, they can also improve the quality of sexual relations, do you want to know why and how many pistachios would be advisable?

Jack N. Losso and M. Yeboah-Awudzi, researchers at the School of Nutrition and Food Science at Louisiana State University (USA), have revealed the 'identity' of the nut that can become our great ally in overcoming insomnia problems: the pistachio nut.

Also known as sleep hormone, melatonin is produced in our brain (in the pineal gland) in response to darkness (when ambient light decreases) and is maximal between approximately two and four hours. Deficiency may cause sleep disturbances. In addition to being recommended as an initial treatment for insomnia, melatonin may be beneficial for circadian rhythm regulation (delayed sleep, jet lag, adjustment of the sleep-wake cycle).

But, beyond their melatonin content, pistachios are also"very rich in magnesium which, among many other functions, helps to eliminate stress and sleep," according to María Amaro, a specialist in Nutrition at the Feel Good Clinic (Madrid).


Pistachios are not only good in bed for sleeping. They can also improve the quality of sexual intercourse, as studies such as the one conducted by scientists at the Atatürk University Hospital and Research Center in Ankara, Turkey, have shown. Published in the 'International Journal of Impotence Research', this report showed that 17 men who added 100 grams of pistachios to their diet for three weeks experienced noticeable improvements in performance, arousal and satisfaction.

"Erectile dysfunction is related to heart disease or cardiovascular problems because, in order to maintain an erection, relaxation of the blood vessels is necessary. Pistachios, due to their contribution in unsaturated and monounsaturated fats, help to maintain normal blood cholesterol and, by improving the circulation of the penile tissues, they improve sexual performance", explains Dr. Amaro.

Similarly, this nut, known as the fruit of happiness or love in many cultures, is "an important source of selenium (an antioxidant mineral that protects the heart and neutralizes free radicals), which contributes to normal spermatogenesis". Also zinc, which "can help improve fertility and maintain testosterone levels in the blood within normal parameters".

A handful of pistachios before bedtime will help in this task.
Learn about the benefits of pistachios:
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Protects arterial hypertension
  • Balance sugar blood levels
  • Reduced cardiovascular risk
  • Ally against metabolic syndrome
  • Satiating effect, an ally for diets and snacking
  • Antioxidant source
  • Improve skin appearance

Buy your organic pistachios here

Pistacho Tostado Gourmet Sin Sal

Pistachos tostados ecológicos al mejor precio.

Nuestra variedad "Kerman" conocida por su forma mas redondeada y  por tener un "CALIBRE GRANDE" con un sabor excepcional, gracias a su tostado artesanal. El envase es en bolsa de 125 gramos con cierre zip, hace que las propiedades organoelépticas de nuestro pistacho se conserven con las máximas garantías. * 0,5kg (4 bolsas) * 1kg (8 bolsas) * 2kg (16 bolsas) * 5kg (32 bolsas) En caja.

Compra Pistachos Tostados Ecológicos de Gran Calidad.

Los "Pistachos Luna Ecológicos gourmet" han sido seleccionados con el máximo cuidado y tostados artesanalmente consiguiendo una textura excelente. Ayudará a tu alimentación, recuperación deportiva y en general a tu bienestar. Sin gluten y con un alto contenido en fibra y hierro, son aptos para dietas veganas y vegetarianas. Ingredientes: Pistacho  (Conservar en un lugar fresco y seco. Una vez abierto conservar en envase hermético y consumir en un plazo máximo de 7 días).
Pídelo antes de las 18:00 horas (Lunes-Jueves) y recíbelo al día siguiente
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Roasted Pistachio with a Pinch of Salt

Organic gourmet pistachios with a pinch of salt . Our “Kerman variety” is known for its round shape and for having a “large calibre”with an outstanding flavour. Packaging is a bag of 125 gr with zip closure, which ensures that the organoleptic properties of our pistachio are preserved with maximum guarantees. * 0,5kg (4 bags) * 1kg (8 bags) * 2kg (16 bags) * 5kg (32 bags) The “Gourmet Pistachos Luna” has been selected with care and roasted by hand to achieve an excellent texture. The perfect snack that will help your diet, your sports recovery and your well-being. Gluten-free and with high fibre and iron content. Suitable for vegan and vegetarian diets. Gluten-free and with high fibre and iron content. Suitable for vegan and vegetarian diets.
Order it before 6:00 p.m. (Monday-Thursday) and receive it the next day
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